The Spiritual Beauty

The Spiritual Beauty: A Holistic Approach to Self-Love

Embracing Inner and Outer Beauty

In today's world, social media dictates beauty standards, often emphasizing external appearance. This focus on the facade of self—the outer—can lead us to neglect our deeper selves, including our mind and spirit. When we prioritize outer beauty, we risk losing touch with who we truly are and what truly matters.

The Trap of Outer Beauty

Hyper-focusing on outer beauty can leave us feeling empty. Despite constantly filling our jars with products, treatments, injections, and surgeries, we may still feel unsatisfied. From striving for the perfect body at the gym to seeking flawless features, many people end up looking similar, conforming to unrealistic beauty standards.

The Pursuit of True Happiness

Are we genuinely content and happy with these pursuits? Why do we chase such unattainable standards? What kind of world are we creating for future generations?

Introducing The Spiritual Beauty

The Spiritual Beauty concept transcends the outer self, embracing the whole self—the outer, the mind, and the spirit. It promotes a balanced perspective on beauty and well-being, aiming for harmony between self-perception and reality. This holistic view encourages us to be at peace with both our inner and outer selves.

Building a Healthy Relationship with Self

To achieve true beauty, we must first cultivate a strong, healthy relationship with our inner selves—our mind and spirit. When we look in the mirror, we should feel content with our reflection, both inside and out.

Join Us on This Journey

This coming month, we will explore ways to harness and embrace a positive relationship with ourselves, integrating both the outer and the inner aspects of beauty. Subscribe to our newsletter for more insightful articles and tips on achieving holistic beauty and well-being.

As always, lots of love,

Tahirah Razak 

Esthetician, Holistic Nutritionist 

Tahirah Razak

Licensed Esthetician & Founder of Gleam Esthetika

“Illuminate Your Natural Beauty”

Your Holistic Wellness & Beauty Partner

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